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The Paleo Diet

The paleo or ‘caveman diet’ as it has also become known as, is a diet focused on pure, wholesome and unprocessed foods. 

Paleo is all about going back to basics and consuming foods that our hunter gatherer ancestors would have eaten thousands of years ago.

Colourful vegetables, fish, meat, eggs, fruits and healthy fats all take centre stage on this diet- bursting with rich nutrition, but also delicious!

Why does it work?

By excluding all processed foods as part of the Paleo diet, you will only eat nutrition-dense foods. 

The diet combines decreased carbs and sugar, more so than in other diets and this helps regulate metabolism and blood sugars. 

By eliminating processed foods you will also benefit from better digestion and reduce bloating. 

All of these changes in your diet will help burn stored body fat in a natural and sustainable way.


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